Almost half of the seats on the London Transit Commission (LTC) are now vacant following three resignations in recent days.
At the same time, a motion by four members of city council calls for the dissolution of the transit commission in favour of a new governance structure that has yet to be worked out.
“The resignation letter has literally been on my desktop for over a year,” admitted Councillor David Ferreira.
Specifically, his letter cited a troubled relationship between the LTC and Council, ”I have encountered persistent issues around the dynamics of decision-making.”
Meanwhile, Commissioner David Little’s resignation reads, “The current relationship between the LTC and the city remains divisive.”
The resignation letter by Commissioner Jackqueline Madden added, “I no longer believe it is possible to make meaningful progress towards an accessible transit system under the LTC’s current structure.”
Ferreira said his decision to resign does not necessarily mean he’s stepping away from London Transit, “The resignation is not me leaving the LTC. The motion that’s going [to Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee] goes hand-in-hand with the resignation. We’re going to bring that [decision-making] directly into council.”
Ferreira is one of three supporting signatures on a motion by Councillor Corrine Rahman that would disband the transit commission, and temporarily install an interim board made up of three councillors until an upcoming performance and governance audit of London Transit is completed.
“I think that we need to as a council members take more accountability,” Rahman told CTV News. “In order to do that, we have to be the main seats at the table while we address some of the challenges.”
The motion cites a number of concerns from the councillors including:
- Accessibility
- Ridership experience
- Route extensions into new developments
- Service growth hours
- Rapid Transit implementation
- Responses to Council direction
The motion is also co-signed by Budget Chair Elizabeth Peloza and Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis.
“The status quo for transit is not working. We need to find a path forward,” Lewis explained. “I think the resignation of three Commissioners speaks very clearly to the fact that this board is not functioning well together. So we need to perhaps take the reins.”
“Honestly, I was stunned,” admitted LTC Chair Stephanie Marentette.
Marentette acknowledged communication challenges in both directions between the LTC and City Hall, but she questioned the timing of the motion to eliminate the Commission.
“This just seems a little premature, because why would [council] push for an audit if [they’re] ultimately going to bring the commission into council supervision?” she asked.
Rahman suggested the significant financial and operational challenges facing public transit require closer involvement by council, “We’ve had less oversight of LTC, and what I hear from the public is that they want to see us play a more active role.”
Rahman, Ferreira, and Lewis assure Londoners that input from bus riders and paratransit passengers will be considered in any future governance model.
“At the end of the governance review process, whether the auditor has recommended an in-house solution, an external commission, or whatever, I’m keeping my options open in terms of where I want to go with this,” added Lewis.
Based on positive conversations she had with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor over the weekend, Marentette believes council can resolve its concerns by working collaboratively with the LTC.
“I don’t think we need to throw the baby out with the bathwater,” she said. “My message is to do the audit, ice this motion for a year, and let’s work together because I know that we can.”
The motion to dissolve the London Transit Commission will be considered by the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee on Tuesday.