Ten new affordable housing units are ready to welcome tenants at two properties in Moncton, N.B.
David Hickey, the minister responsible for the New Brunswick Housing Corporation, said improving housing options remains a top government priority.
“We want to empower our citizens with safe, sustainable housing options,” Hickey said.
One of the buildings on Norwood Avenue features eight supportive housing units in partnership with the Department of Social Development, the Salvus Clinic and the United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern New Brunswick.
“Tenants will have 24-hour on-site support related to independent living skills, budgeting and financial literacy, education and employment, mental health, addictions and primary healthcare,” said a Friday news release.
Social Development Minister Cindy Miles said a home is a foundation for everything else in life.
“It provides safety, stability and a sense of belonging,” Miles said.
The second housing project is a modular duplex on McLaughlin Drive where family units have two bedrooms.
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